Aw shucks

I’m heading to Pittsboro tomorrow for Postal Fish Company’s yearly “Oyster Social”. I’ve been at this event since its inception in 2020. I really enjoy these type of events, getting to meet new people and talk about what we do out on our farm. They sell out every year and do a really nice job pairing different wines with the raw oysters. Now that I have mentioned wine, this coming Friday I’ll be at another event. The “Wine and Brine” originally scheduled during the NC Seafood Festival in October. It was cancelled due to Tropical Storm Ian bringing high winds to the area. Now it will be held at Southern Salt restaurant in Morehead City. The North Carolina Coastal Federation sponsors this event, which also includes wine pairings. This will be the second annual gathering and my second time shucking at this event. I hear that there are still tickets available for this event. It’s also fun to hang out with the other oyster farmers, sharing stories and talking shop. My favorite part is seeing the reactions of the people eating the oysters we work so hard to cultivate/grow. I’m proud to be part of the North Carolina Oyster Grower community.


Soggy start


Breakfast of Champions