Still living my dream

I didn’t sell near as many oysters this year as previous years. I still had probably the best growing season (starts in May) of my six years in aquaculture. I feel so blessed to be able to work and live in such a beautiful place. The weather was on our side this year, we received just the right amount of rain. The salinity at the farm has been near perfect all year long. Tammye and I really enjoyed our third season at the Olde Beaufort Farmers Market. I must say that I’m building a strong local customer base through that market. I still get that giddy feeling in my stomach every day I float up to the farm on my boat. I made sure to take time this year to go fishing a lot more than in the past, good for the soul. I’m still not too fond of the cold weather but I know that spring isn’t too far away. I just play Jimmy Buffet and Kenny Chesney on my bluetooth speaker and think of summertime.


Storms and baby oysters