Happy New Year!

Last year was a tough one due to the excessive mortality we experienced during the summer. December usually is one of our busiest months was pretty much a total wash out. Excessive rains that came almost perfectly spaced a week apart kept our waters closed from December 10th through January 3rd. I was so glad to be done with December! We are now making our plans for the 2024 growing season. Seed orders have been placed and we are going to revamp our farm tour program. We have temporarily stopped giving farm tours until early spring of this year. We are also looking forward to the Olde Beaufort Farmers Market starting back up mid-April. Ive had a little spare time this winter and have done quite a bit of kayak fishing in our local creeks. Our oysters have started to show some green tint in their gills like they do every year about this time. They are feeding on the winter algea that blooms on the bottom and stains the gills green. This tends to give the oysters a little bit of sweetness on top of their already tasty flavor profile. We are so looking forward to the warmer springtime temperatures.


Storms and baby oysters


What a summer!